Sunday, August 19, 2018

The (Un) Censored Sky

Don't aim for success if you want it; just do what you love and believe in, and it will come naturally. - David Frost.

We often measure success with marks, credit, position, promotion etc. but the real success lies in confidently doing what you want to do and giving your best efforts in it. People often tend to have dreams in their eyes but they land up wearing spectacles framed by others. Same was the story of a successful doctor Aditya, who killed a photographer! He killed a photographer inside him. Had he raised his voice, had he given himself a chance, he would have been living his dreams, his own way! Alas! He did not. He continued doing what he never wanted to, the reason be any! Was he really successful? Would you like to identify yourself as a killer few years down the line, if today, you do not choose to be what you want to be?

Varun Agarwal- 26 year old, BE in telecommunication hated the four torturous years of his engineering life. He had to join engineering college because his parents did not allow him to go to film school. Having failed once in engineering and completing his graduation thereafter he went to work for Phat Phish Productions. He is a film maker and a co-founder of a million dollar company and also makes merchandise for students of schools and colleges. He is also an author of “How I braved Anu aunty and co-founded a million dollar company.” He believes in “not thinking” and “only doing”. Find out more at

Akash Gautam- He wanted to join the Indian Air Force but got rejected in the medical part of the NDA - NA exam because of some vision deficiency.  Further, he went on to do PG in Fashion from NIFT, New Delhi and turned out to be a bad student there. He was thrown out of his first two jobs. Today he is the most famous motivator, trainer and success coach. Never in his wildest of dreams he must have imagined he would reach this far. The real success lies in getting up each time you fall! We tend to give up when we are unable to accomplish what we want to, but we never know what we can achieve if we just hold onto. His official

For a web begun, God sends thread!
Sudha gave her first stage performance when she was 8. By the time she turned 17, she had given more than 75 stage performances.  She lost her right leg in an accident. Yes! This is about the very famous, dancer and actor, Sudha Chandran. She left her disability far behind in comparison to her will power and sheer determination. She relived her passion by using an artificial leg. Even the biggest shock of her life was not enough to stop her from re-living her dreams. What is more important is the ability to overcome the setbacks in life. Let difficulties know, you are more difficult! That is what she did and today she is an inspiration for millions.

When love is akin to breathing! 88% of people do what they do not want to and 92% of them have relationship issues who fight almost every day with themselves without giving anybody a hint of what they have been going through.  Repercussions of the past, they come time and again to remind you of all those smiles, all those tears, those pent up agonies and those fears. They never tend to leave you alone. There are certain things in life, one cannot explain but life has to go on and this is what life is, Alas! Not always fair but the challenge is to put your troubles right beneath your feet and use it as a platform in order to walk towards your goal. It must have happened to almost every one as it comes naturally. So if it has happened to you, it should not be an excuse to escapism!
When despite trying hard and harder every time you fail, you feel dejected and disheartened. Comparison with others makes it worse. When all dreams are shattered, all desires are burnt; the only thing that remains is the ability to identify a ray of hope. A hope to see everything comes alive again, to push yourself once again towards your dream.

What can stop you from reaching the heights? Your disability? Failure? Poverty? Or you are not too passionate, your strengths are overshadowed by your weaknesses, you are being forced to do something else, your destiny had something else in store for you or lastly a broken heart? Can all this really stop you, if you really want to? When you find yourself struggling, all the way, you must know you are growing your roots. When you find yourself in pain, be assured God wants you to win similarly like a horse that is being thrashed by his master, runs to win the race. The idea is to keep that spark alive, COME WHAT MAY so that when you look back you can say yourself “No regrets, absolutely!”

Who does not want to touch the sky, some want to go beyond that, to explore to exploit, to know how it feels to be there. Despite dreaming, desiring, trying to accomplish we often are not satisfied with the height that we reach, we often are not content with what we get after putting in best efforts. Success can never be measured, it can only be felt. It is different for different people. We fail to understand that we are not here to please or prove anybody else. Abide to your own expectations first. Almost each one of us wears a mask almost every day behind which lies our real self. Identifying that real self is what is important!

Life is much like the crossroads, where you need to stop, think and decide and act because your decision can change somebody’s life; and most probably yours! Each one of us must be having some questions which remain unanswered. Whenever something wrong happens we end up cursing God and mostly question "Why me?" We are always guided in a way better than we know ourselves. So instead, say "Try me!" Keep walking till the way falls short! Wake up, get up, and get going!

Not all dreams turn into desires, not all desires are fulfilled but one who cannot dare to dream can never accomplish. Dare to dream a dream that has never been dreamt of!


If you can’t walk a MILE in my shoes – SMILE A WHILE IN MY BEARD ;)

Smile a while in my beard, see what I see, feel what I feel; Maybe then you will understand; What I do, Why I do, till then, DO...